1950s Early Evangelism

In the mid-1950s, Evangelist Mary Jane Higgins arrived in Moss Side began organising prayer meetings in her bedsit. Working alongside Evangelist Higgins, were Bro. Z. McCrae, Bro. and Sis. Nembhard, Bro. and Sis. L. Ricketts. Sis. Stewart and Bro. Campbell -some of whom held prayer meetings in their own homes.

Their work was then supported by the late Rev. O. A. Lyseight who was the then National Overseer of the NTCG in England and Wales. He used to visit these brethren in Manchester and was often accompanied by the late Sis Nelson. The late Rev. J. McIntyre was then appointed to assist with the work here in Manchester.

1960 Church formally organised

The church was formally organised in 1960 by Revd. McIntyre and about 10 members. The ministry expanded rapidly as more Christians from the Caribbean arrived and took up residence in Manchester, joined by local new converts. The need for larger premises resulted in the Webster Street School Hall, which had been obtained for 30/- (£1.50) a week.

1965s Early Evangelism church building purchased

1965 marked a significant milestone for a developing Church. It was Exhorter Edgar McKenzie who spotted a dilapidated Presbyterian Church building at 20 Upper Chorlton Road, Brooks Bar. The building was purchased through members' gifts and from street and house collections. Through the efforts of all members, both male and female, and with the help of friends and well wishers; the building was restored and prepared in record time for worship services. The Church still occupies the same building to this day.

1967 - Present: Church growth and development

Today the NTCG in Manchester still presents as a beacon to the community that many often rally to in search of hope, social and spiritual needs.The pathfinders prepared the groundwork. Their memories live on in every stone that laid the foundations for the present generation of worshippers.

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