Groups foster a sense of connection, growth, and well-being within a community. They serve as platforms for nurturing one another, nurturing our faith, and extending our services to our local communities.

Logo for Lifebuilders shows the word LIFEBUILDERS and a silhouette of a man helping another man up some steep steps

LIFEBUILDERS (Men's Ministries)


LifeBuilders is committed to collaborating with all men in the local community of Manchester. 

Our desire is to develop a brotherhood that impacts its environment and is responsive to the needs of its community. 

Making personal choices within the body of Jesus Christ, the family, the community, and the workplace. 

Our Vision is summed up in the acronym LIFE.

  • L - Living a life that reflects the Lord
  • I - Impacting the community
  • F - Family focused
  • E - Empowering and releasing the next generation

You can find out more about our vision here


Our bible study guides help men learn more about scripture and teachings and how to apply them to their daily lives. 

We provide topics for discussion and reflection in men's groups or personal devotions and for living a Christian life. 

We help men grow in their faith, overcome challenges, and live out their purpose.


We also have social events and gatherings where we meet, greet, and discuss various aspects of Christian life, such as prayer, worship, service, relationships, and more. 

We explore the relationship between spirituality and various aspects of human well-being, such as health, happiness, meaning, and morality. 


Director - Vincent Green

Asst Director - Everton McDonald


We meet every 3rd Tuesday of the Month. Please contact our Team via the admin office if:

  • You are a man in Manchester who is seeking to live for Jesus.
  • You want to understand better what the LifeBuilders groups offer.
  • You want to learn about the life-changing opportunities and tools that the LifeBuilders Groups can offer
Logo for Womens Discipleship Ministries - shows the letters WDM with a single flower



It is clearly outlined in the bible that we should encourage and build up each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV), and in alignment, the New Testament Church of God Brooks’ Bar WDM supports women in their personal, spiritual, social, and professional journeys, maximising their God-given potential through mentorship. We serve women in the church and the wider community, with the aim to holistically empower all women, regardless of age, culture, or social status. 


Under various themes, we engage in a wide range of interesting and diverse activities which usually take the form of: Seminars, Retreats, Workshops, Socials, Community outreach, Fun, Food and Fellowship.


We are committed to delivering a high quality, inclusive programme of activities alongside spiritual, emotional and practical support; reflecting our motto ‘Every Woman Matters’. 


Sister Denese Brackett and Sister Eunice Stephenson are the new President and Vice President, having taken over the reins from Sister Jacqueline Hylton, who retired in 2023, after many years of outstanding service to this ministry.


WDM Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm to 8:30pm, either online or at an announced location. We look forward to the continued support of our women and welcome those who will be joining us for the first time.

Music Ministry

Praise and worship is an integral part of our weekly gathering. We have a dedicated team of singers, musicians, sound engineers and visual technicians working together to enhance our worship experiences in church and online. We believe music is the vehicle that leads the people of God into powerful corporate worship creating personal opportunities for encounters with God, therefore healing the mind, body, soul and spirit. 

"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing"  Psalm 100:1-2

Logo for Youth and Discipleship Ministries


The purpose of the Youth & Discipleship Department is to make disciples of our children and young people,  for them to later make disciples of others. Our aim is to enable the nurturing and growth of young people in an environment in which they feel safe to express their individual gifts and to express their faith in Christ through youth praise and worship.


Youth leaders consider the importance of the holistic development of young people.  Every young person is treated as a valuable individual and is encouraged to volunteer and participate in projects and activities which motivate them according to their needs, and that builds Godly character. Our youth workers are inspired, informed, involved and committed, and are able to empower and inspire young people to become confident and committed leaders.

Discipling our young people to be rooted in the church, grounded in their faith and excelling in every area of life in body, mind and spirit.


  1. The base level of success is also our ultimate goal, to know God and spend eternity enjoying life with Him forever. Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1, Psalm 27:4
  2. Our second goal is to bring as many people with us as possible to spend eternity with God. Genesis 1:28, Matthew 28:18, Acts 1:8
  3. Our third goal is to operate as Kingdom of God ambassadors on earth giving people, all people a foretaste of what the kingdom and therefore eternity with God looks and feels like. Matthew 25:31-40, John 13:34-35, Mark 16:15-18

Our mission is to facilitate an environment that helps young people desire, grasp and live out these things.


The Youth Department delivers ‘age-appropriate’ programmes and youth activities, which are also accessible to the community. 

The Youth Department offer programmes such as Junior Club for ages 7-12yrs & Youth Club for ages 13-23yrs on Friday evenings at 7pm.


Sunday School is one area of our Church where we teach all ages in a one-hour session weekly, about the world God created, how our faith is woven into each area of learning, and how to find purpose and meaning through God's will for our life. This knowledge of God’s Word strengthens our faith and our church, and ultimately our community. As such, we believe Sunday School is integral to a healthy Christian lifestyle. Age-appropriate lessons are designed to ensure spiritual growth & development through the Bible and gives opportunity to engage in discussions through a structured curriculum.

We often incorporate a few other programs within the wider church setting, which can take the form of:

Children for Christ (C4C) - this is held once per month at the same time as our Divine Service (12 noon to 1pm) and is geared at children aged 3-12yrs.

We follow a packed and exciting program where the children learn and worship God in a child focused manner. The sessions are structured to simplify the theme of the main service to prepare the children to engage in worship and ministry with the general congregation by age 13.

Promotion Day Service - held every September and celebrates all the achievements of the students. It is also an opportunity for students to show their talents through drama, singing, music and exhortations

Education Day - a specified Sunday inbuilt within our church’s calendar where professional support is provided to students from primary to tertiary level of education. The general idea is for students to obtain guidance, encouragement, pathway support and other useful information from professional organisations to direct their future.

“Study to shew thyself approved…”

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)


Proverbs 16:16 (KJV) states that it is much better to get wisdom than gold and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!


The Education Department is responsible for the planning and implementation of the Christian Education and Faith development for the entire congregation. The team regularly evaluates the educational needs of each department and where appropriate, organises training which will increase the motivation and competence of leaders in order to undertake their tasks effectively, thus making education a vehicle for helping members to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus.

This ministry also supports in the planning and implementation of special programs and events in order to ensure the fulfilment of the church’s mission and vision. It supports in the selection of teaching materials and resources and also serve as liaison with various education committees.


The Department is also responsible for the development and implementation of a comprehensive program of care which includes evangelism, spiritual growth, service opportunities, along with academic and professional skills development, which will nurture and edify the members of the congregation. 


The Hospitality Department seeks to provide and serve refreshments for all who attend the Church. The Department has at its core, a willingness to serve with love, grace, understanding and compassion; such provisions are provided to members of the local community and church members alike. We recognise that hospitality is a fundamental aspect of Church life and are committed to this service in fulfilling the directive of Christ presented in Matthew 25:40, “I tell you the truth, whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me”

Our aim is to alleviate isolation and loneliness generally experienced at certain times of year by creating family and community engagements.

We organise bag packing sessions at the local Asda Superstore to generate income for the delivery of the essential Hospitality services offered to our members and the wider community.


“Through evangelism, we demonstrate the heart and the hands of Jesus Christ …”

The evangelism department exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ – The Son of God to all the world. The ethos of the evangelism department cannot be represented in a more pristine manner than that which is found in St. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The truth of this passage is the driving force behind all evangelistic efforts.


In St. Matthew 28: 18- 20, we also received the great commission in which we have been instructed by The Lord Himself as to our responsibility to the world around us as believers, “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

We take this  directive from our Lord Jesus Christ very seriously and  endeavour to utilise all resources available,  to share  this message of God's relentless love with the entire world.  A love demonstrating the sacrifice of His only begotten Son which paid the debt of sin we owed but could not pay, and won for us salvation and reconciliation with God, which we could not earn.

Through evangelism, we demonstrate  the heart and the hands of Jesus Christ through the physical and spiritual needs of our local, national, and international communities. Under His leadership this can take the form of  street/outdoor meetings, one on one witnessing, crusades, and other missions.

Christ's goal in death and resurrection, is our evangelism goal in life: to win the lost at any cost.

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